Will visitors know that my website is secure?

Most of the people will look for a padlock icon before submitting any information online. The Standard Alpha SSL allows you to display the yellow padlock (signifying secure connection) in all popular browsers and mobile devices. This means transactions and customer data are encrypted and your visitors have confidence in your security.
Additionally when your website is secured by the Standard Alpha SSL certificate you will be able to show it with a dynamic site seal placed on your website. This visible banner ensures that your website is secure. Moreover, when clicked it will show additional information like validity of the certificate, expiration date etc, which further enhances your visitors trust.

Will it matter if my site is accessed with or without www?

Unlike many of the other basic SSL certificates available on the market the Standard Alpha SSL allows you to use encrypted connection no matter if your visitors use www prefix or not when accessing your website.


AlphaSSL Trade In Program!

If you trade-in an "active - qualifying" GeoTrust, GoDaddy, Comodo (or other competitor’s) Certificate we will issue an AlphaSSL Certificate replacement free of charge.

NOTE: This offer only applies to standard (non-wildcard) Certificates, as the automated validation logic needs to match the FQDN of the Certificate with a Certificate in use, which is only possible with non-wildcard Certificates.

Get an extra 30 day BONUS!
For just $15.98 by adding (1) additional year to your newly issued AlphaSSL Certificate you get a total of 13 months added to your certificates current remaining time.

For just $25.98 by adding (2) additional years to your newly issued AlphaSSL Certificate you get a total of 25 months added to your certificates current remaining time.

If you just purchase (1) additional year (or more) with your trade-in, we will also add Unlimited Licensing. You will be issued an unlimited licensing model, this means that a single AlphaSSL Certificate can be installed across multiple servers without additional costs.

Submit your request and get your Free
AlphaSSL Certificate HERE !



GlobalSign is a credible and well established Certification Authority (CA) and SSL Provider.

We are a leader in public trust services and have been issuing trusted digital certificates since

1996 - delivering Public Trust from a number of highly ubiquitous public root certificates.

These trusted roots are recognized by all major web browsers, web servers, email clients,

and Internet applications; as well as devices such as Smartphones, Palm and all

major PDAs, and mobile phones. 


GlobalSign facts:


  • Issued over 1.4 million digital certificates / digital IDs to people, web sites and machines

  • GlobalSign has been operating on a 2048 bit root since 1998

  • Issued over 100,000 SSL server certificates

  • Over 20 million certificates worldwide rely on the public trust provided by the GlobalSign root

  • Global offices in the US, UK, Belgium, and China.

  • Part of the GMO Internet Group of companies (ticker symbol TSE:9449)

  • Member of the CAB Forum and Anti-Phishing Working Group


Powered By: Crafty Syntax

We have lowered our AlphaSSL Ceriificate over 54% below retail for this limited offer! Just$19.99 so use Coupon Code: scarry


Applying for your Free SSL Certificate is Easy!

1. Choose DomainSSL / OrganizationSSL
2. Create a
Certificate Signing Request
3. Complete the simple application page
4. Receive your SSL Certificate in minutes







Your FREE SSL healthcheck

Each GlobalSign customer receives a FREE SSL installation healthcheck. This service includes the following checks carried out by our automated systems and expert technical staff. The healthcheck will take place after your certificate has been issued or at a time convenient for you. Just contact our support staff with your requirements
  • Server Availability - can the popular browsers connect to your site over SSL?
  • SSL Certificate Installation - is your SSL Certificate installed and configured correctly?
  • Common Error Checking - do you have any common errors when connecting over SSL?
  • Site Seal Installation - are you maximizing customer conversions on your web site by correctly using the GlobalSign site seal?