Cloud Hosting

  • Silver Hosting

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      If scalability is in your future plans, the trend now is to move toward the clouds.

      Not just as the newest, big thing, but as a means to an end!

      To put it simply, cloud servers mean virtual servers which run on a cloud computing environment. That is why very often Cloud Servers are referred to as Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS). While it is true that every cloud server can be called a virtual dedicated server, the opposite is not always true. This is because a (VDS) virtual dedicated server can be placed only on a single hardware server and thus suffer from a single point of failure when any of its hardware fails. In contrast, Cloud servers run as software-independent units. For the purchaser this means that a cloud server has all the software it requires to run and does not depend on any centrally-installed software. Redundancy, scalability, control, and performance are at the heart of a Private Cloud Server solution. No longer is it necessary to pay for underutilized hardware that will soon break down over time. Save time with rapid deployment. Save yourself the guesswork of hopefully choosing the right hardware by picking a solution that allows you to expand or contract your resources as your needs change. And we know your needs will certainly change as you gain clients. If your really looking for the tip of the top, then we have always depend on Hostmy1stweb for security, scalability and first class support. If it is true you get what you pay for, then Hostmy1stweb is your provider.

      Below is just some of what you will receive with this plan.

      1 GB Cloud Storage
      15 GB Cloud File Transfer
      Cloud Control Panel
      100 Email Accounts
      Additional Cloud Features
      24-7 Support

      More features here