Question about how our payment module works and if it works with Chase/Paymentech Print

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Since we do not know what Chase/Paymentech is using as a payment gateway theses days we can only say our payment gateway module uses the "MES/Trident or Beanstream" gateway depending on what module you are looking at, therefor each module interfaces between the application of WHMCS and your banks merchant account via the "MES/Trident" gateway and processes payments through the credit card network selected during payment associated with your merchant account.

There is NO user intervention during this process and only log records left that is supported via WHMCS are available for viewing.

Question: Can we configure the module so that an order is taken but not processed until the order info is reviewed by our staff and then with the press of a button we could initiate processing of that order?
Answer: This is a function of WHMCS and has no bearing on our modules. But to answer your question "Yes" WHMCS has this function. Thanks!

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